AL-Hamd of Companies is a conglomerate comprising of separate, independent businesses in various sectors including civil society organisations, shipping and logistics, construction, engineering, trading, environment, medical products. As a holding company, we are strategic in diversifying sectors and markets inside Afghanistan and beyond to meet the services of our global clients. The greatest asset comes from our human resources, all of whom are passionate, self-driven professionals who demonstrate the highest standards of quality and deliver prompt and efficient responses. Because we are the fastest growing group of companies in Afghanistan, we are able to offer the best in-depth sector expertise and analysis, meet core business needs and develop agile strategies and solutions.We are relentless in our pursuit of excellence. We are about to become the first agent and shareholder in Afghanistan for an internationally-recognized Health and Medicine industry with a exporting capacity to 62 countries and 34 years of experience.
About (AHG)
AL-HAMD Group of Companies
Our Mission
Our mission is to grow network global partnerships for the long-term sustainable development of Afghanistan.
Our Vision
Our vision is to form deep relationships with partners, and to thrive on our values of trust and transparency so as to drive both investment and humanitarian opportunities inside and outside Afghanistan.

Strong Afghan networks across sectors & markets, Wide coverage of international partners, Honest & transparent delivery, Fee for value, Maximization of profits and opportunities, Local & international project implementation, Active management & engagement
- Strong Afghan networks across sectors and markets
- Local and international project implementation
- Maximization of profits and opportunities
- Wide coverage of international partners
- Active management and engagement
- Honest and transparent delivery
- Reliable and ethical approach
- Fee for value